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Up-Selling & Cross-Selling

Up-Selling & Cross-Selling
Judetul: Bucuresti
Contact: Cristina Man
Produs oferit de: Valoris Center SRL
Produse pe site: 6 produse

The Up-selling & Cross-selling service allows you to focus your energy on getting new customers, because through this service, Valoris will overtake the effort of improving the sales volume to the existing customers.

Combining the key elements of the products and services offered by your company with the structure of your customers' data base, Valoris representatives will give you the essential means to ensure a suitable level of cognition regarding your portfolio and to exploit, develop and optimize the use of your products and services among your customers.
- Up-Selling & Cross-Selling

telemarketing  marketing direct  cresterea vanzarilor  telesales  valoris