We, Vertex Precision Components Corporation, are professional manufacturer in production of Support Unit and Ball Screw. Through yearsâ?? experience in mechanical field, we built will-organized business channels in european ...
We are a dynamic and energetic recruitment company with deep roots in HR industry. From our past experience we have developed our knowledge of the market, our networks, our professionalism and the efficiency to which we added a ne...
CENTRUL european DE CONSULTANTA FINANCIAR CONTABILA, va ofera prin echipa sa de profesionisti, servicii complete:
a. financiar-contabile
b. resurse umane
c. consultanta in afaceri
astfel, de la contabilitate primara la intocm...
Financial audit, internal audit and advisory services provided by a team of professionals with vast experience in global auditing firms and large scale multinational companies.
Servicii de audit financiar, audit intern si consu...
Q8 Recruiting SRL is a Romanian â?? Kuwaiti Company which provides Manpower from Romania in exclusivity to all the Gulf Countries.
We have a dynamic, professional team with good experience in HR and Consulting which will fi...
Xiamen Landee Industries Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of valves, flanges, pipes, pipe fittings and fasteners. With many years of experience and thousands of items shipped each year, Landee is dedicated to meeting al...
Proiectari si constructii de seminee de calitate superioara, inclusiv montari de cosuri de fum (tip Schiedel), vanzari de camere de ardere cu o larga posibilitate de alegere dintre focarele importate de la firme de renume european...
Antitrafic.ro este site-ul creat pentru proiectul european "Victimele traficului in Europa:problematica resortisanților țărilor terțe cofinanțat prin Programul Prevenirea si Combaterea Criminalitatii al Un...
Echipa Multiasig Ro va sta la dispozitie cu o �®ntreaga gama de servicii profesioniste la standard european, incluz�¢nd achizitionarea, v�¢nzarea si valorificarea proprietatilor, precum si servicii de consultanta in...
organizeaza cursuri de formare profesionala in domeniul
frumusetii. Suntem o echipa care isi doreste ca
procesul de invatamant sa fie unul la nivel european,
lectorii nostri fiind specializati si...
Arjas Global Group was created after many years of experience in the country and abroad, basing its activities on a careful analysis of all aspects, economic, social, cultural, which is essencial for companies wishing to start...
Parchet Masiv Exotic
Parchet Masiv european
Parchet Incalzire in Pardoseala
Parchet de Lux
Panouri Versailles
Parchet Stejar
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Parchet pentru Baie si Bucatarie