Metoda de tiparire: termica.
Dotata cu sistem â??auto cutterâ?Â
Sistem facil de schimbare a rolei tip â??easy dropâ?Â.
Dimensiune hartie folosita: 80 mm latime.
Diametru maxim al rolei: 83 mm
Vitez... 1000 RON
Tensiune alimentare: 230 V
Putere 60% max.: 4.0/7.0 KW
Plaja reglaj: 5-200 A
Curent la 60%: 150 A
Grosime electrozi: 1.6-4.0 mm
Dimensiunii: 43x17x29 cm
Greutate: 9.5 Kg...
Made of the most advanced technology in the world, the cloth is revolutionary in its weight and flexibility!
The cloth fabric is made up of gentle micro fibers which provide easy and friendly usage, and absorbs any kid of dirt....
Producem ceasuri industriale digital LED cu dimensiuni de H16xL32cm; H16xL64cm; H32xL64cm; H64xL64cm; H64xL96cm; executam la cerere orice dimensiune; Culori LED disponibile: rosu, verde, galben, albastru, alb; bicolor - combinatie...
Prima tableta romaneasca lansata in decembrie 2010.
Dimensiuni: 192 x 121 x 11.9 mm
Greutate: 371.6
Ecran: 7 inch
OS: Android 2.1
Procesor: ARM11, 800 MHZ
Redare: FullHD 1080p (HDMI)
wifi 802.1.1b... 899 RON
Get more scope for the same budget with breakthrough technology:
Max Memory Depth 1 Mpt/channel (standar
Max Sample Rate 2 GSa/s
Waveform Update Rate 200.000 Wfrm/s
8, 5-inch display
Segmented memory (stan... 2159 EUR
(1) HDIM to HDMI cable is suitable for use in HDTV, home theater, mobile phone, digital camera, DVD player, mobile TV and etc.
(2) HDMI Ethernet Channel
HDMI version 1.4 cable, will increase a data channels, support hi... 2.88 USD