HG-Gcaps ® gelatin capsules are the most commonly used two-piece capsules, hard gastric-soluble capsules, used for filling granules and powders.
1. Available in wide ranging colors and sizes, right from standard to customized on... 10000 USD
Do the employees fulfil the expected standards of quality in their contacts with the customers?
Mystery Calls service aims to study the attitude and behaviour of your employees towards the customers. The impact that the first...
HG-Vcaps ® has low water content and is suitable for the filling of water-sensitive or low-water content contents. It has no risk of cross-linking reaction. It has stable chemical properties and is the first choice for moisture-s... 0.07 USD
Servicii de TRADUCERE SIMULTANA (interpretariat de conferinta) in/din limba ITALIANA: conferinte, seminarii, congrese. Domenii:juridic, economic-financiar, business, medical, stiintific, tehnic, IT etc. Disponibilitate: in functie...
Servicii de TRADUCERE SIMULTANA (interpretariat de conferinta), TRADUCERE CONSECUTIVA: intalniri de afaceri, misiuni economice, targuri, tratative, insotire la birouri ale notarilor publici, in delegatii etc., CHUCHOTAGE, VIDEO/TE... 1 RON
DUMAX business COLLECTOR, prin serviciul de evaluare solvabilitate firme, intocmeste rapoarte detaliate privind situatia economico-financiara a firmelor din Romania (debitori ; parteneri de afaceri ; potentiali parteneri de afacer...
1) A wide range of accessories are available to accommodate non-standard pallet loads, and mesh wire fencing can be incorporated to provide simple security or bonded enclosures.
2) Suitable for various occasions of the...
1, Lattice structure, light weight, high strength. Products have been relatively light weight 30% and 40% increase in strength;
2, Surface treatment: electro zinc plated after welding for rust-free life.
3, Assembly, folding sam...
O esarfa din matase naturala, electrizanta datorita imprimeului. Poate accesoriza atat o tinuta business, cat si una casual. Scoate in evodenta ochii verzi sau albastri. Se potriveste bine cu camasi si bluzite uni si cu cercei dis... 28
HP business PC DX5150 silver black Athlon 64 3500+, 2200 MHZ, 1024 ddr, 40 gb hdd, DVDROM, sunet, retea, usb, video on board + slot pci express low profile.
Optiune promotionala pentru acest produs: Upgrade la 2 gb ram = + 30 lei... 249 RON
This new series forklift trucks that made with the latest technical design will provide you excellent operating performance. HOT forklift truck of high standard performance, comfortable driving experience, the simple and safe oper...
1)24K gold-plated connectors ensure superior signal transfer and lifetime of
maximum performance.
2)4 screened twisted pairs of OFC stranded conductors with foam PE insulation
layer, improve the high frequency resp... 1.85 USD
Inchiriere mese de coctail pentru evenimente, mese cocktail petreceri corporate, mese de cocktail petru receptii firma, decortaiuni mese cocktail, aranjamente florale business pentru receptii, fete de masa, fuste de masa! 0722.81.... 1 RON