KIT Alarma Gaz 230V/12V DC OUT + Electrovalva Gaz 3/4" LA 149.8 Lei
Pretul include TVA.
Contact: IMPACT ZONE services SRL:
Telefon fix: 0213260415
Telefon mobil: 0730127127 125 RON
Senior Audit services, membra a Camerei Auditorilor Financiari din Romania (C.A.F.R.), ofera servicii de audit la cele mai inalte standarde de etica si profesionalism, punand intotdeauna clientul pe primul loc. Serviciile de audit...
Advantages of the leasing financing:
â?¢ It protects liquidities;
â?¢ Flexible financing and guaranteeing structures:
o The possibility to benefit from grace periods;
o The 100 per cent financing of the project;... 10 RON
The Up-selling & Cross-selling service allows you to focus your energy on getting new customers, because through this service, Valoris will overtake the effort of improving the sales volume to the existing customers.
Seminarul doreste sa ajute participantii sa defineasca in mod corect fisele de post ale angajatilor din organizatie.
Seminarul este exclusiv practic si se bazeaza pe munca in echipa pe baza situatiilor concrete de la locurile de ... 215 RON
Magazin online Aici pueti gasi toata documentatia necesara implementarii unui sistem de management in baza standardelor ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, HACCP (ISO 22000). Proceduri de lucru, formu...