CHINGI ANCORARE 5 tone (2500/5000daN)
Comandand minim 10 seturi chingi beneficiati de:
LIVRARE GRATUITA in toata Romania (pe raza de acoperire Urgent Curier)
CHINGI DE ANCORARE MARFA 5 tone (set): 6 metri - 34, 00 lei 8 me... 45.00 RON
The main activity of our company is goods transportation from Turkey and EU to CIS countries.
The transportation of the goods from Turkey to CIS countries can be accomplished in several ways:
1.) by ferry Derince (Turcia) ... 111 RON
The main activity of our company is goods transportation from Turkey and EU to CIS countries.
The transportation of the goods from Turkey to CIS countries can be accomplished in several ways:
1.) by ferry Derince (Turcia) ...
Retea GSM 900 / 1800
Dual SIM Yes (no dual stand-by)
Lansare 2011, 4Q
Valabilitate Disponibile
SAR Value 1.28 W/Kg
Dimensiuni 110 x 45 x 15 mm
Greutate 70 g
De tip TFT, 65K colors
Marimi 1... 120 RON
Are o textura de o moderata asprime, usor neregulata si fibra incrucisata sau dreapta - lemnul este debitat radial pentru a scoate in evidenta textura lemnului care prezinta nuante specifice. Produsul corespunde standardului Europ... 23.5 EUR
In timpul domniei ultimilor domni ai tarilor rom�¢ne despartite, se �®nt�¢mpla un mare eveniment european, fara de care rom�¢nii nu ar fi vazut poate niciodata implinita macar o parte din visul cel mai dulce al... 32,00 RON
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Computer Troubleshooters VINE LA TINE ACASA sau LA SEDIUL firmei tale.
Franciza nr 1 in lume, Computer Troubleshooters este lider in SERVICII IT...