Advantages of the leasing financing:
â?¢ It protects liquidities;
â?¢ Flexible financing and guaranteeing structures:
o The possibility to benefit from grace periods;
o The 100 per cent financing of the project;... 10 RON
Lease-back este cel mai des dezbatut de catre specialisti. Prin acest tip de leasing se intelege operatiunea prin care o persoana vinde un obiect unei societati de leasing cu scopul de a-l lua imediat in leasing, fara ca acesta sa...
Tractari, Remorcari auto NON-STOP, Deblocari trafic, defecte, avariate, ptr.RAR sau Remat, service-uri si reprezentante, recuperari de leasing, oriunde INTERN-INTERNATIONAL, 24h din 24h.
Tel:0721-495 186; 0744-474 072; 0764-721 1... 2 RON