Used for polishing, wet or dry, this is a highly
absorbent and soft hand cleaning cloth.
This cleaning cloth is a mix of
approximately 70% cotton/viscose fibers
and synthetic fibers for durability.
Soft, white and tough, t...
Criss cleaning Off Service vă oferă mai multe pachete de servicii de curăţenie, flexibile, astfel Ã?®ncÃ?¢t să se muleze pe necesităţile fiecărei locaţii, putÃ?¢nd avea frec... 0 RON
A new environmental-protection agent which can be used in place of sodium hydrosulfite, It has better thermal stability and stronger reducing ability. Operation is simple and effective, transportation and storage are...
Criss cleaning Off Services vă pune la dispoziţie mai multe pachete de servicii de curăţenie, la nivelul minim al preţurilor pieţei, adaptate fiecărei locaţii Ã?®n parte. De aceea, pentr... 0 RON
Statie radio ALAN 48 PLUS multi
Model: ALAN MIDLAND 48 PLUS multi
Telefon: 0233/234.610, 0721-651.152
Detalii produs
Canale 40 FM
Sirul frecventelor 26.565-27.60125 MHz
Comanda frecvent...
5 puncte laser autonivelante �®n unghi drept pentru fiecare
: sus, jos, stÃ?¢nga, dreapta şi Ã?®nainte.
Ã?· Uşor de funcţionare
�· Out-of-nivel de alarma
�· accesoriu multi-func... 1001,3 RON
Made of the most advanced technology in the world, the cloth is revolutionary in its weight and flexibility!
The cloth fabric is made up of gentle micro fibers which provide easy and friendly usage, and absorbs any kid of dirt....