Surgical Accuracy Without Bone Heating
Using revolutionary high power ultrasonic technology, the UBS creates precise bone cuts, while limiting thermal necrosi...
2-Ethyl Anthraquinone produced by hongyechem-the leading professional manufacturer and supplier of 2-Ethyl Anthraquinone in the world, 2-Ethyl Anthraquinone used as working carriers for hydrogen peroxide production and to produce ...
Camere IP Vivotek IP7131, CMOS, CS, MPEG4, audio-video
Camera IP7131 dispune de compatibilitate 3GPP: permite utilizatorilor să monitorizeze camerele nu numai din browser-ul de web standard sau din software, ci si prin in... 765 RON
Lumina alb-albastruie.
Ofera cu pana la 80% mai multa lumina comparativ cu un bec normal
Putere: 55 W
Tensiune Alimentare: 12 V
Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica preturile fara o notificare prealabila.
Pret: 76.51 Lei
Pret... 76.51 RON
*Real time MPEG4 and MJPEG compression (dual codec)
*Full D1 resolution (720 x 576)
*25fps real time
*P.O.E (power Over Ethernet)
*Support 3GPP Mobile Surveillance
*Setting in remote through IE
*2-way Audio funct...