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70 rezultate pentru power tools
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Tester camere de supraveghere video
Tester CCTV ST894 3.5 inch digital TFT-LCD 960 x 240 Resolution PTZ Protocol power Output: DC12V 1A... 1144 RON
Oferit de: Mprotect CCTV SRL
Ã??n domeniul recondiţionării şi şlefuirii pardoselilor din lemn firma MAER tools este singurul furnizor Ã?®n măsură să vă ofere o gamă completă de maşini profesionale ... 0
Tester camere de supraveghere video
Tester CCTV ST891 2.8 inch digital TFT-LCD 960 x 240 Resolution PTZ Protocol power Output: DC12V 1A 738 RON
Oferit de: Mprotect CCTV SRL
aspirator abur wirbel power steam 5.3 mp
Aspirator profesional abur â?? model Wirbel power Steam 5.3 MP Caracteristici: aspirator abur putere maxima 4250W rezervor plastic rezistent 22l boiler 3, 8l rezistente electrice 1500W+1500W temperatura abur 170Ã?Â...
Oferit de: Wirbel Romania SRL
Training prezentari convingatoare in Power Point
Practica de afaceri demonstreaza, in orice domeniu de activitate, importanta realizarii unor prezentari de impact, care sa captiveze auditoriul in acelasi timp in care subliniaza elementele esentiale. Dar oare cati dintre cei care...
aspirator abur wirbel power steam 6.3 er i
Aspirator profesional abur â?? model Wirbel power Steam 6.3 ER I Caracteristici: aspirator abur putere maxima 4250W rezervor metal inox 22l rezervor extern 8l boiler 3, 8l rezistente electrice 2000W+1000W temperatur...
Oferit de: Wirbel Romania SRL
No image
Hongye Chemical Co., Ltd. produce 150000MT Sodium Percarbonate per year. Sodium Percarbonate offers many of the same functional benefits as liquid hydrogen peroxide. It dissolves into water rapidly to release oxygen and provides ...
Platforma Cea Mai Profitabila Magazine Online
Dominate Google. Our stores are built to rock search results, so massive traffic is all part of the package. Integrării noastre built-in cu Google Shopping vă permite să listati produsele, cu doar cÃ?¢teva c... 1 RON
ULTRASONIC BONE SURGERY�® (UBS) PIEZOELECTRIC SURGICAL SYSTEM Surgical Accuracy Without Bone Heating Using revolutionary high power ultrasonic technology, the UBS creates precise bone cuts, while limiting thermal necrosi...
Oferit de: ARDS Implant SRL
Camere IP Vivotek IP7131, CMOS, CS, MPEG4
Camere IP Vivotek IP7131, CMOS, CS, MPEG4, audio-video Camera IP7131 dispune de compatibilitate 3GPP: permite utilizatorilor să monitorizeze camerele nu numai din browser-ul de web standard sau din software, ci si prin in... 765 RON
Iluminator Infrarosu pt camere de supraveghere
Iluminator Infrarosu Distanta infrarosu: 80m Leduri IR: 114pcs �¸ 8 Size: 150HX120LX88W mm power: 12V DC MAX 16W 258 RON
Oferit de: Mprotect CCTV SRL
Iluminator Infrarosu pt camere de supraveghere
Iluminator Infrarosu Distanta infrarosu: 130m Leduri IR: 198pcs �¸ 8 Size: 200HX143LX88W mm power: 12V DC MAX 28W 352 RON
Oferit de: Mprotect CCTV SRL
Bec Auto Far Philips H7 X-TREME POWER
Lumina alb-albastruie. Ofera cu pana la 80% mai multa lumina comparativ cu un bec normal Putere: 55 W Tensiune Alimentare: 12 V Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica preturile fara o notificare prealabila. Pret: 76.51 Lei Pret... 76.51 RON
Camere IP EV-902
*Real time MPEG4 and MJPEG compression (dual codec) *Full D1 resolution (720 x 576) *25fps real time *P.O.E (power Over Ethernet) *Support 3GPP Mobile Surveillance *Setting in remote through IE *2-way Audio funct...
Oferit de: Enni Vision SRL
REVOS MINI, BASIC, HD, power, IT, EX, FLEX, MOT - conectori industriali multipolari in diferite variante constructive tehnologie cu surub, arc, sertizare, fibra optica - 3â?¦64 poli; max. 100A; 50Vâ?¦.5, 5Kv - co...