Găzduirea web sau mai simplu hosting-ul este serviciul prin care fișierele care vă alcătuiesc siteul sunt stocate pe un server. Serviciul de găzduire web face ca site-ul dvs. să fie accesibil non-sto... 6.97 EUR
Tensiune alimentare: 230 V
Putere 60% max.: 4.0/7.0 KW
Plaja reglaj: 5-200 A
Curent la 60%: 150 A
Grosime electrozi: 1.6-4.0 mm
Dimensiunii: 43x17x29 cm
Greutate: 9.5 Kg...
Made of the most advanced technology in the world, the cloth is revolutionary in its weight and flexibility!
The cloth fabric is made up of gentle micro fibers which provide easy and friendly usage, and absorbs any kid of dirt....
T&T access Solutions detine in prezent cel mai inalt brat articulat de 43 m inaltime, acesta apartinand marelui producator JLG:
Specif. Inaltime De Lucru :
43, 15 m
Sarcina Utila :
450 Kg
Regim de lucru lateral :
24, 38...
MEDIAX MANAGEMENT, cel mai renumit centru de invatamant privat din Ploiesti, lider de piata in judetul Prahova, organizeaza permanent cursuri de calculatoare-informatica:
(Windows, Word, Excel, access, Powe...
Advantages of the leasing financing:
â?¢ It protects liquidities;
â?¢ Flexible financing and guaranteeing structures:
o The possibility to benefit from grace periods;
o The 100 per cent financing of the project;... 10 RON
Get more scope for the same budget with breakthrough technology:
Max Memory Depth 1 Mpt/channel (standar
Max Sample Rate 2 GSa/s
Waveform Update Rate 200.000 Wfrm/s
8, 5-inch display
Segmented memory (stan... 2159 EUR
Material: Black Iron.
Length: SRL, DRL.
Outer Diameter: DN80 to DN800 mm.
Thickness: 1.8 to 20mm.
Standards: ASTM.
Post URL: http://www.landeepipe.com/astm-standard-black-iron-pipe.html
Landee Pipe is a professional...
Soft Facturare este un program de facturare dezvoltat in Microsoft access. Facilitati: emitere de facturi, proforme, chitante, avize, contracte, posibilitate tiparire facturi pe tipizat (sablon), lucru in retea, arhivarea facturil... 50Eur