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- Strategy Consulting - Product Marketing Management - Customer Database Management - Communication Strategy & services - Coaching, Workshops & Business Education - B2B Marketing Outsourcing - Interim Marketing Management -...
Servicii inginerie
GECI Engineering services Bucharest, Romania is offering CAD/CAM/CAE services using CATIA V4 & V5, CADDS5, PRO-ENGINEERING, UNIGRAPHYCS, IDEAS, ANSIS, NASTRAN, PATRAN, ANSA, and AUTOCAD in aerospace, automotive and naval fields of...
KIT Alarma Gaz 230V/12V DC OUT + Electrovalva Gaz 3/4
SC IMPACT ZONE services SRL VINDE: KIT Alarma Gaz 230V/12V DC OUT + Electrovalva Gaz 3/4" LA 149.8 Lei Pretul include TVA. Contact: IMPACT ZONE services SRL: Telefon fix: 0213260415 Telefon mobil: 0730127127 125 RON
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Senior Audit services, membra a Camerei Auditorilor Financiari din Romania (C.A.F.R.), ofera servicii de audit la cele mai inalte standarde de etica si profesionalism, punand intotdeauna clientul pe primul loc. Serviciile de audit...
Equipment leasing
Advantages of the leasing financing: â?¢ It protects liquidities; â?¢ Flexible financing and guaranteeing structures: o The possibility to benefit from grace periods; o The 100 per cent financing of the project;... 10 RON
Up-Selling & Cross-Selling
The Up-selling & Cross-selling service allows you to focus your energy on getting new customers, because through this service, Valoris will overtake the effort of improving the sales volume to the existing customers. Combining...
Oferit de: Valoris Center SRL
reparatii frigidere montaj services aer conditionat 0754597900
REPARATII FRIGIDERE MONTAJ services AER CONDITIONAT 0754597900 0755897566... 30 RON
Oferit de: Pitapan SRL
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Senior Accounting services ofera activitati de brokeraj. ...
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Senior Accounting services ofera consultanta economico-financiara, oferind clientilor solutiile optime la cerintele acestora. ...
PROGRAMARE COMPUTER TOMOGRAF: Tel: Aparat nou fabricat in 2008 in U.S.A. Adresa: Sos. Vergului nr.12, in incinta Spit. Clinic "N. Malaxa" NOU!!! Acceptam tichete medicale emise de ... 140
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Senior Accounting services, firma membra CECCAR, ofera clientilor servicii complete de contabilitate si expertiza contabila. ...
Corespondenta comerciala, secretariat international ROMANIA - EUROPA
MIX TRANSLATOR PARTNER Accredited and certified translations, all languages commercial correspondence ROMANIAN - French, Italian - European Companies General secretariat services for various domains of activity, tourism/b... 100
Ventilatoare industriale centrifugale VKM 100- VKM 315 - preturi incepand de la 238.97 ron cu tva. Material: Otel Galvanizat Debit: 270 m3/h Presiune: 370 Pa Nivel zgomot 3m:47 dbA Turatie: 2500 rpm Putere: 60W Consum ... 238 RON
AIR hose
Cover:   EPDM/SBR blended, black, or red yellow, weather and ozone resistant Reinforcement: Textile braided high tensile synthetic yarn Applications: fwide range service in general industrial services, m...
transport si distributie marfa
Blejan Activ services va ofera servicii de distributie si transport marfa la costuri reduse, rapid si eficient dand dovada de seriozitate si punctualitate. 5 motive de 5 stele pentru a recurge la serviciile noastre. Efectuam trans... 1 RON