Suntem o companie romaneasca care executa lucrari de constructii cu
personal calificat Ã?®n conformitate cu proiectul de construcţie Sef santier
, fierari, dulgheri, fixatori, zidari, muncitori gipscarton,
electricieni, instalatori şi canalizare, zugravi, pictori, montatori de ferestre şi uşi
instalatori, izolatori (fundaţie şi acoperiş) dulgheri acoperiş, tinichigiu
(acoperiş), necalificat, etc
Oferim personal calificat pentru lucrările finalizate la timp şi
Ã?®n funcţie de proiect
Lucrări efectuate Ã?®n Germania
Maintz Complexul rezidential (in spatele Parlamentului)
Complexul Rezidential din Wiesbaden (parţial)
Lucrări efectuate Ã?®n RomÃ?¢nia:
Acoperite complex sportiv Ã?®n oraşul Brăila (inclusiv piscina olimpica)
Mansarde case, vile, blocuri, izolare blocuri, ateliere industriale, etc
We are a Romanian company to execute construction works with
qualified personnel in accordance with the construction site Leader
, Blacksmiths, carpenters, fixers, masons, drywall workers,
electricians, plumbers and sewage, painters, painters, installers of windows and doors
plumbers, insulators (foundation and roof) roof carpenter, tinsmith
(roof), unskilled, etc.
We qualified for the work completed on time and
depending on the project
Work performed in Germany
Maintz Residential Complex (behind the Parliament)
Residential Complex in Wiesbaden (partially)
Work performed in Romania:
Covered sports in the city of Braila (including Olympic pool)
Attic houses, villas, blocks, insulation blocks, industrial workshops, etc.