Firme > Educatie/Training > Traininguri diverse > Asociatia Internationala Award for Young People
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  • Membru din: 14/11/2013
  • Ultima vizita: 14/11/2013
  • 1360 Vizualizari

Asociatia Internationala Award for Young People null

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  • Contact: Mihaela Stanciu
  • Cui:
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  • Jud: Brasov, Loc: Braşov, Str: str. Poarta Schei, nr 37, Brașov, Romania

Asociatia Internationala Award for Young People a dezvoltat programul pentru tineret Duke of Edinburgh International Award. The Duke of Edinburghâ??s International Award este liderul programelor de dezvoltare personală si se adreseaza tinerilor cu varsta cuprinsa Ã?®ntre 14 si 24 de ani.

Duke of Edinburgh International Award  program Duke of Edinburgh  Asociatie Internationala Award for Young People  Asociatie Award for Young People