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Draperii, perdele ignifugate
Ce este FR-One ? Simbolul FR-One aplicat este garantia pentru siguranta si calitatea in tesaturi care sunt cerute de reglementerile internationale sa aiba proprietati flacara retardancy .Aceste proprietati sunt cunoscute in in... 1 RON
Oferit de: Niky Comstil SRL
Prosop de baie din bumbac pentru Hotel
Importam prosoape de baie hotel din bumbac 100% natural. Prosoape bumbac, Prosoape frotir, Prosop de baie, Prosoape Hotel, Prosop cu model Grecesc, Prosop 30/50-500gr, Prosop 50/70-700gr, Prosop 50/100-450gr, Prosop 70/140-450gr, ... 1 RON
Oferit de: Niky Comstil SRL
Geaca moderna, cu buzunare sus si jos, se incheie pe baza de fermoar si capse, iar in mijlocul taliei se prinde cu cordon astfel sa iti creeze \"talia de viespe\".Cordonul se prinde prin gaicile lui speciale astfel ca nu se va dep... 94 RON
Oferit de: VIP-STYLE SRL
AIR hose
Cover:   EPDM/SBR blended, black, or red yellow, weather and ozone resistant Reinforcement: Textile braided high tensile synthetic yarn Applications: fwide range service in general industrial services, m...
water hose
Applicatons: This hose is suitably used for carrying water or general neutral liquid for mining equipments, factories, agriculture and forestry, civil engineering at room temperature. Characteristic: It is light, soft and ...
Cover:   EPDM/SBR blended, red and blue, smooth, weather and ozone, abrasion resistant Reinforcement: textile braided high tensile synthetic yarn Applications: for conveying welding gases. Temperatur...
Acetylene hose
Cover:EPDM/SBR blended, red and blue, smooth, weather and ozone, abrasion resistant Reinforcement: textile braided high tensile synthetic yarn Applications: for conveying welding gases. Temperature: -40℃ - +...
Hydraulic hose
Construction: This hose consists of an inner tube of oil-resistant synthetic rubber, a single wire braid reinforcement, and an oil- and weather-resistant synthetic rubber cover. Applicatons: Hose range suitable to carry hydrauli...
BALANSOAR DIN LEMN CURBAT - #2676 Vand balansoare din lemn curbat stratificat. Fotografia reprezinta exact produsul oferit. Noi. Import. Tapiterie din piele naturala, tip Patchwork. Balansoarele se pot ridica personal sau se trim... 125 EUR
chitul "SOFT PLUS" este alcatuit din 2 componente chit si intaritor; se foloseste la umplerea denivelarilor inainte de vopsire, se remarca printr-o consistenta fina care permite aplicarea unui strat neted fara pori. ambalaj:1, 80K... 9.88 EUR
Oferit de: TOTAL MOB SRL