Flyere/Fluturasi publicitari
- format A5
- suport - carton dublu cretat minim 90g/mp
- tipar policromie fata (4+0)/ fata verso (4+4)
- modelul clientului sau creat de noi conform cerintelor clientului
- timp minim de executie... 0.065 RON
Ochiurile plasei sunt de doua tipuri 75/50MM si 75/100MM.
Sarma din otel carbon acoperita cu plastic.Utilizare
Aceasta plasa se poate utiliza pentru imprejmuirea spatiilor industriale, agricole,
publice, precum si a altor sp... 1 RON
This improved floor cloth has a reinforced hole so it can be threaded over the handle for ease of use.
The cloth canâ??t fall off!!!
No more folding and bending!
This popular cloth gives a simple solution to a...
This high quality cloth comes with matching hook and loop strips to hold the cloth securely onto the squeegee handle. No more falling cloths!
This added value feature will bring the clients back every time.
Snap it...
Made of the most advanced technology in the world, the cloth is revolutionary in its weight and flexibility!
The cloth fabric is made up of gentle micro fibers which provide easy and friendly usage, and absorbs any kid of dirt....
Used for polishing, wet or dry, this is a highly
absorbent and soft hand cleaning cloth.
This cleaning cloth is a mix of
approximately 70% cotton/viscose fibers
and synthetic fibers for durability.
Soft, white and tough, t...
GLASS - detergent pentru geamuri - Nu lasă urme, suprimă fumul, electricitatea statică şi oferă o vizibilitate excelentă pe durata călătoriei. Nu lasă pete pe geamuri şi oglinzi. S... 66 RON