Do the employees fulfil the expected standards of quality in their contacts with the customers?
Mystery Calls service aims to study the attitude and behaviour of your employees towards the customers. The impact that the first...
Cat de multumiti sunt clientii dupa procesul de vanzare/post-vanzare? Care este calitatea serviciilor oferite de organizatia mea?
Dimensiunile de succes sunt trasate de rezultatele cantitative, a caror interpretare dau o imagine...
The Up-selling & Cross-selling service allows you to focus your energy on getting new customers, because through this service, Valoris will overtake the effort of improving the sales volume to the existing customers.
Cum promovez direct produsele si serviciile companiei?
Serviciul Telemarketing are ca obiectiv promovarea directa a produselor si serviciilor dumneavoastra atat catre clientii existenti cat si catre cei potentiali. Va oferim su...
SkySales reprezinta o solutie integrata ce ofera o complexa automatizare a sarcinilor de tip Trade Management, Warehouse Management, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) si SFA (Sales Force Automation), c�¢t si analiza si p...